Resources for athlete and parent trainings for Safe Sport Recognition

Jessica Evans

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We have many clubs in the LSC with expiring Safe Sport certifications and some teams working on becoming recognized. South Texas Swimming encourages all clubs to become recognized, and certification is a requirement when applying for a sanction to host a meet. The certification status for all clubs is listed here on the South Texas website. If you are in the process of renewing your Safe Sport certification, or becoming certified for the first time, here are a few resources for you to help with the requirement of athlete and parent trainings.

Completing the Courses Using Your SWIMS Account:

These documents explain how to create an account in SWIMS for parents and athletes, which test to take, and where and how to take the test.

Taking the Course Online via Zoom:

USA Swimming also offers free webinars for the Athlete, Coach, and Parent training. Click here for the current schedule of upcoming webinars and additional information. Classes and registration links for August are below so you can share them with your team. Individuals can take the online test (links above) or attend one of the webinars (links below). Either one counts for the club's SSRP application and it is not necessary to do both online and webinar.

  • Safe Sport Trainings
    • Parents: August 7 | 8 p.m. ET | Register
    • Athletes: August 8 | 8 p.m. ET | Register
    • Coaches: August 9 | 3 p.m. ET | Register

If you need a list of parents and athletes from your club who have completed the training, please contact me.

Jessica Evans
Interim Registration Chair
South Texas Swimming
[email protected]